British Sign Language

SCRA is committed to ensuring that people who are deaf or hard of hearing have full and equal access in the Children’s Hearings System.

We have published our BSL Action Plan 2024-2029. You can also watch a BSL video with subtitles.

We have a number of information films available on our website in BSL and with subtitles. You can access them below.

If you are a BSL user and would like to make a complaint, you can text us on 07795 665570. This number will not be able to make or receive calls. Please see below for how to contact us.

If you are participating in a Children’s Hearing and need a BSL interpreter, please let the Reporter know or get someone to contact the Reporter on your behalf. If you have a preferred BSL interpreter, please provide their name and contact information to the Reporter and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Keeping The Promise Information

Going to a Children's Hearing for the first time

Progress Report for Children and Young People

Contact us via Contact Scotland BSL

British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact us direct by using Contact Scotland BSL

Contact Scotland BSL is a free national BSL interpreting video relay service (VRS).

If using a smartphone or device, you must register for the free app.

You can also access the service with a computer.

When you have accessed the app or connected to the service with a computer, just relay your message and it will be interpreted to the user on the other side.

For more information visit the Contact Scotland BSL website or call 0333 344 7712.

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