Keeping The Promise – summer round up of improvement activity

Posted on 05th Jul 2023
A young man in a blue hat and red t-shirt smiling

We are committed to keeping visitors to our website up to date with all our activity to Keep The Promise. Our summer update includes the latest news on some of our exciting improvement projects.

New project alert! Understanding my Hearing (Before, During and After)
A Project Team which includes Hearings-experienced young people and adults has been set up and the first planning meeting was held at the end of June. The aim of the project – which is being piloted in the Western Isles – is to improve the understanding of children and young people about what measures in their Compulsory Supervision Orders mean for them. Children and young people attending Hearings will be offered a post Hearing meeting with the Reporter to explain the decision in language that is clear, understandable and protects their rights. The team is planning to develop an ‘understand my Hearing’ toolkit to support the delivery of this project. Thank you to Our Hearings, Our Voice for working with us on this.

Pilot underway – Customise my Hearing Form
The Customise my Hearing Form project – which has just got underway in Grampian and part of Highland – aims to offer pre-Hearing support, including notice of Hearing papers. Young people will be contacted directly by SCRA to obtain their view on their options for participation. The team will be working with the new Customise my Hearing Form designed collaboratively with SCRA and Stirling Champs Board. There is a paper version of the form, as well as an online version.

Update – Child Friendly Scheduling project
In our spring update, we told you about the Child Friendly Scheduling Project being piloted in Ayrshire that aims to provide a more personal, bespoke service to every child and young person attending Hearings by giving them a choice about the date, time and location/type of Hearing.

The project is now beginning to show signs of improvement with 50% of children and young people returning the form. Thanks to the amazing work of the Assistant Reporters in Ayrshire who are leading on the project, in 100% of these cases we were able to provide the child/young person with their chosen Hearing date and method.  In addition to this, we have also received some really positive feedback from children and young people.  One young person’s link worker told us: “The young person really appreciated being asked and wanted to fill in the form himself.  It meant a lot to the young person to be asked.”

Next steps are to enter into a third cycle of improvements to the pre-Hearing checklist following review and feedback from the Neurodiversity Champions; to expand the pilot to include all grounds Hearings. An external launch with our partners is being planned for September to celebrate the success of the project to date and increasing awareness. The team is also planning further stakeholder engagement sessions to promote the use of the checklist with the aim of increasing the number of preference forms returned. It is an exciting time for the project and we look forward to updating you further with progress.

If you have any questions about our work to Keep The Promise, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

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